7 Benefits of Pelvic Floor Therapy After Birth
From all of the stretching and rearranging of body parts, you can add your pelvic floor to the list of things that change during pregnancy and birth. That is why it is important to consider the benefits of pelvic floor therapy after birth.
6 Tips to Find the Best Pelvic Floor Therapist
Your health is important. Finding the best pelvic floor therapist matters. Discover the top six tips to finding the right specialist for you.
How to Find a Pelvic Floor Therapist Near You
There are over 40 million people in the United States who can benefit from pelvic floor therapy. Unfortunately, only a fraction of those people actually get the help they need. Learn how to find a pelvic floor therapist near you.
Pelvic Pain in Women with PCOS: Strategies and Solutions
Pelvic pain is a frequent companion for many women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It can significantly impact their daily lives, causing discomfort, frustration, and affecting their overall well-being. If you're experiencing PCOS pelvic pain, you're not alone. This blog delves into the connection between PCOS and pelvic pain, explores various management strategies, and offers solutions for long-term relief.
6 Exercises To Prevent Diastasis Recti
In the world of physical health, the integrity of our core plays a pivotal role, especially when considering diastasis recti (DR), a common condition affecting many. This blog dives deep into understanding diastasis recti, its causes, symptoms, and the paramount importance of exercises to prevent diastasis recti, emphasizing the role of core strength, pelvic floor muscles, and healthy weight management in mitigating the risk factors associated with this condition.
Pelvic Floor Therapy for Endometriosis: How Can it Help Women
Endometriosis is a challenging condition that affects millions of women worldwide. It is a condition in women that can lead to significant pain and discomfort.
Pelvic Floor Therapy During Pregnancy: Is it Safe?
Pregnancy is a transformative journey for women, bringing about various physical changes. Among these changes, the pelvic floor undergoes significant stress and strain. Pelvic floor therapy during pregnancy has emerged as a beneficial practice to address and manage associated issues.
What is Internal Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
Pelvic floor health is critical to overall well-being, often overlooked until issues arise. In recent times, internal pelvic floor physical therapy, including specialized care for pediatric pelvic floor, has gained prominence as an effective method to address various pelvic floor concerns.
Understanding Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome in Women
Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) is a complex and debilitating health condition that affects women globally. One common question that people often ask is, "How long does CPPS last?". The answer is that it is a long-lasting pelvic pain…
Natural Fertility Treatments: 10 Ways to Boost Pregnancy
Bringing a new life into the world is a profound and cherished journey that many individuals and couples embark upon. While some conceive effortlessly, others may face challenges when it comes to fertility, leading them to explore natural fertility treatments.
Pediatric Pelvic Floor: What It Can Do
Explore the world of pediatric pelvic floor therapy and how it can improve the well-being of children. Learn about its benefits, treatment options, and how it addresses a range of pediatric health concerns.
Infertility Self-Care with Therapist-Guided Practices
Explore Infertility Self-Care strategies with Pillar Physio. Learn personalized techniques to enhance well-being, navigate challenges, and foster growth.
The Benefits of Pelvic Floor Massage for Women's Health
Discover the numerous benefits of pelvic floor massage for women's health. Improve wellness, relieve discomfort, and promote well-being with pelvic floor massage.