Why Women Avoid Pelvic Floor Therapy: 8 Surprising Reasons

They say, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” While that might be slightly true for some parts of your health, this statement isn’t true for other parts, like your pelvic floor. Your pelvic floor is an intricate system of bones, muscles, and ligaments. So then why do women avoid pelvic floor therapy?

There are many reasons why pelvic floor health isn’t the top priority for women. In general, many women don’t understand pelvic health and how that relates to women’s health. Pelvic floor therapy has only recently begun to gain momentum in awareness. However, there are other reasons why women avoid pelvic floor therapy.

Related: How Does the Pelvic Floor Work: What You Should Know

women avoid pelvic floor therapy

8 Reasons Women Avoid Pelvic Floor Therapy

Not every single reason will be listed here, but these are the top reasons women admit to when the pelvic floor health topic comes up.

Lack of Knowledge

Simply put, many women don’t know enough about the pelvic floor to understand when it’s time to see a pelvic floor therapist nor do they understand how to take care of it in the first place. You don’t know what you don’t know. This is the case here.

Some women don’t even know that this type of therapy exists. When they do hear about it, they don’t think it applies to them. More information about the pelvic floor, its function, and how to keep it healthy is needed.

Societal Stigma

Many women have been taught from a young age to not talk about their sexual body parts, which are included in the pelvic floor. This means that when a woman is feeling pain during intercourse or experiences prolapse, she is likely keeping it to herself because society has taught her to. Unfortunately, society can have a major impact on many parts of life, including women’s health and the pelvic floor.

Related: 6 Signs You Need to See a Pelvic Floor Therapist

women avoid pelvic floor therapy

Discomfort and Distrust

During pelvic floor therapy, the level of vulnerability that a woman has to have with her pelvic floor therapist can be uncomfortable. If you aren’t being honest with your therapist, this could lead to an unsuccessful therapy experience. This is one of the reasons why women avoid pelvic floor therapy.

In addition, pelvic floor therapy comes with internal work. Some of the internal work can be uncomfortable to experience. However, you always have the power of consent in any of the therapy sessions. It’s important to discuss your levels of discomfort with your therapist. If you don’t feel comfortable doing that, then it’s time to find a new pelvic floor therapist.

Generational Acceptance

You have likely heard comments like, “Oh, that’s just what happens when you have a baby,” or, “That’s just what happens when you get older.” Comments like these from our well-meaning mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and friends have led women to accept the pelvic floor disorders they are facing instead of getting help.

Related: How to Promote Pelvic Floor Health: 6 Tips for Optimal Function

women avoid pelvic floor therapy


Some women chalk up their pelvic floor pain to something else. They may not be aware that lower back pain is a sign of pelvic floor dysfunction. Oftentimes, women overlook their pain and discomfort and treat it on their own. This misconception is a common reason why women avoid pelvic floor therapy.

Complicated Medical System

Unfortunately, we live in a world where the medical system can be confusing and difficult to navigate. Oftentimes, women give up trying to get in to see a pelvic floor therapist due to needing referrals and trying to schedule appointments that could end up being waitlisted instead.

In addition, if your healthcare provider doesn’t think you need to see a pelvic floor therapist, it can be difficult to persuade them to give you the referral. After you receive the referral and make an appointment, dealing with insurance companies to cover expenses can become a bigger hassle.


Women avoid pelvic floor therapy sometimes because they are embarrassed about their pelvic floor dysfunction. They may not want to admit that it hurts to have intercourse, they have prolapse or they are experiencing incontinence. These are all very personal and vulnerable things to admit to someone else. However, these are the very things that a pelvic floor therapist can help you overcome.


Finances are always a big thing women consider when it’s time to see a pelvic floor therapist. Some insurance companies might cover the cost, but you may be limited to where you can go to seek treatment. If you decide to see a private pelvic floor therapist, the expense might be difficult to cover out-of-pocket. Therefore, women choose to forgo treatment and decide to deal with pelvic floor pain and discomfort instead.

Related: What Are Pelvic Floor Disorders and How to Treat Them

women avoid pelvic floor therapy

Women Should Not Avoid Pelvic Floor Therapy

There are many reasons why women avoid pelvic floor therapy, but the most important thing to consider is why you should see a pelvic floor therapist. No matter what choices you make in life, you can always come up with a list of reasons not to do something. However, true change and relief only come when you are willing to seek treatment.

At Pillar Physio- Georgetown, Texas, we believe in treating every woman who comes through our doors with respect and gentleness. Your pelvic floor is unique to you. We build a customized treatment plan for your body because no woman is the same as the next.

In our pelvic floor therapy practice, you can expect to learn about your pelvic floor, get help restoring and strengthing it along with your core, and experience a higher level of dedication from our physical therapists. Call today to schedule your assessment. We can’t wait to welcome you to Pillar Physio!


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