How to Promote Pelvic Floor Health: 6 Tips for Optimal Function
To be honest, you probably didn’t spend much time in health class learning about the pelvic floor. In fact, unless you’ve experienced pregnancy and childbirth, you may not have even given your pelvic floor a thought. Truthfully, your pelvis is a vital part of your body. Therefore, learning how to promote pelvic floor health will help your overall health.
The pelvis is responsible for many functions such as bladder control, structural support, and protecting other important organs in your body. Unfortunately, your pelvic floor can become weak, which can lead to other health challenges. Learn how you can protect your pelvis and live a life that promotes optimal function because your family and your community need you.
6 Tips to Keep Your Pelvic Floor Healthy
At Pillar Physio– Georgetown, Texas, we are committed to helping women find lasting relief in their pelvic floor. Use the tips below to help you focus on pelvic floor health.
Water and electrolytes are needed to help our body as a whole. However, hydration is an important part of pelvic floor health. Staying hydrated helps with muscle function, bladder control, and bowel movements. It also increases function in the connective tissues that are intertwined in the pelvis.
Dehydration can increase your risk for pelvic floor issues such as urinary tract infections (UTIs), constipation, and straining on the toilet. It can also hinder your pelvic floor’s ability to be flexible, which can lead to pain and discomfort.
Promote a healthy pelvic floor by being mindful of your daily water and electrolyte intake. Staying hydrated is one of the easiest steps to better health.
Pelvic Floor Therapy
Just like going to the doctor every year for your annual wellness checkup, you should also consider adding pelvic floor therapy to your wellness routine. Pelvic floor therapy is beneficial to help you understand your pelvis, discover any potential weaknesses that could be present, and keep you living comfortably.
At Pillar Physio– Georgetown, Texas, we offer individualized treatment plans. Each body is different, therefore, we do not provide a blanket approach. You will find that the therapists at Pillar Physio offer a whole-body approach with hands-on treatment. In addition, our therapists take the time to listen to your needs and goals, which helps give you the best treatment possible. Reach out today for your assessment!
Related: Understanding Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome in Women
Exercise is important for your pelvic floor health. This helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor strength helps with bladder control and bowel movements. It also helps prevent pelvic organ prolapse.
Kegels are part of the exercise routine for the pelvis, but they aren’t the only exercises to do. You can also engage in walking, Pilates, yoga, and stretching. All of these exercises can be included in a regular routine to help promote a healthy pelvic floor.
Nutrition is a key part of your pelvic floor health. Ensuring you are consuming enough fiber helps prevent constipation and straining during bowel movements. Straining can weaken the pelvic floor. Think of adding fruits, vegetables, beans, and grains to your diet.
In addition to adding fiber, nutrition can help with maintaining a healthy weight. This is also favorable to your pelvic floor. Too much weight can add additional pressure that may weaken the pelvis and cause pelvic floor disorders.
Avoid Smoking
Smoking often leads to chronic coughing. This coughing can apply pressure through the abdominal area, which forces pressure down towards the pelvic floor. Over time, chronic coughing can weaken the pelvic floor. If you aren’t a smoker, but you engage in other activities that trigger coughing, it’s best to avoid those activities as well in order to increase your pelvic floor health.
Related: 7 Common Pelvic Floor Therapy Exercises and How to Do Them
Educate Yourself
Knowledge is the best defense. When you know better, you can make the changes needed to do better and to be better. This goes for your pelvic floor as well. Educate yourself on how the pelvic floor works so that you know how to maintain a healthy pelvic floor.
You can do this by partnering with a pelvic floor therapist who can teach you about your body specifically. Once you understand how your pelvis is working for your body, your chances of maintaining good pelvic floor health will increase.
Pelvic Floor Health Is an Important Part of Life
Pelvic floor health is an essential part of your life. Your pelvic floor is the connection piece that keeps your body functioning the way it was made to. Taking control of your health will help you live comfortably now and in the future.
Keep your pelvis healthy with regular exercise, good nutrition, hydration, and pelvic floor therapy. Your body will thank you for the time you spend now creating good habits for pelvic floor health.
If you are ready to take control of your pelvic floor health, it’s time to schedule an assessment with Pillar Physio. We do things differently! We prioritize time to hear about your symptoms, ask meaningful questions, create a custom plan of action, and walk you through the foundation to truly heal your body. It’s time for you to get back to doing the things that you love.